Kickassrealestate - Gerald Romine
Kick ass real estate lack of software support, charged me for access which i never achieved

Internet & Web

As a new investor, i was looking for software which consolidated the paperwork, analyzed deals, simplifying the process, including forms etc. All of these things and more are what were offered by this man and his software, i have yet to discover, as i wasn't able to locate basic forms, when i attempted to reach company i was, locked out of system and in essence all attempts on my part to make contact were futile in getting a response, despite they were withdrawing from my account monthly $100.
I initially was naive, thought, new system, lots of users, great product, so it may take some time to get response...
I attempted, to figure what i was doing wrong and began to doubt myself, maybe im the idiot, however still no response3-4 months, after no callback or response (other than spam emails from this guy) i cancelled the authorization activity on card!

Company: Kickassrealestate - Gerald Romine
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Gilbert
Address: 18337 E San Tan ste 102#9055 QueenCreek, az 85142-9
Phone: 6022188408
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Kickassrealestate - Gerald Romine
Does not have customer service, refuses to support the software I paid for

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Preservation - mlepc - gerald Romine Thieves! They took thousands of dollars & promised my house would not foreclosed upon & didn't follow through

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