Rod Willis - 3 score debt solutions
U.S. Market development investment scam and scamme

Internet & Web

Rod Willis is a scam artist. Please dont invest any of your hard earned money dealing with this liar if you ever want to see it again. I in trusted this dishonest person with more money than most people make in a year to buy into a company called 3 Score Debt Solutions. He agreed first to pay me back in 12 months and I would own a percentage of the company. That didn't happen so I entered into to a contractual extension agreement to extend the loan for another 6 months and he still didnt pay me. Its been three year now, and since then I have been chasing him at every e-mail and/or phone # I have and he has told me hundreds of times he is going to pay me but never has and probably never will. I have no real addresses for him and he told me he is in California but someone else that he ripped off contacted me and said he is in Frisco, TX. My money is gone probably forever but don't be a fool like I was. He is a heartless lair and a snake with a golden tongue. I'm a firefighter who makes an honest living and the money I invested with him came from an inheritance when my mom passed away. It was for my kids college and he knew it yet still scammed me out of it. I feel sorry for anyone who falls for his lies because you may as well throw your money in the toilet once you give it to him. From what I gather from other people who have contacted me he has done this to alot of people. He pretends to be starting a business of some type, that never happens, gets investors, takes there money and no business really develops. He ususally gives you a promissory note supposedly securing your invested funds and agrees to pay you back and never does. When you start looking into getting your money back legally you find that the company has no real assets, real address (not P.O. Box or virtual office space), or there is no company at all. That leaves you with a useless piece of paper (promissory note) trying to find him. You will then spend tons of money and/or time trying to find him by hiring a Private investigator or doing it yourself which is almost impossible. Please be smarter than I was and keep your money safe. Any questions I will be glad to help. Call.

Company: Rod Willis - 3 score debt solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
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