Rod Willis
Scam Artist

Business & Finance

Rod Willis in Frisco, Texas is a lying theft. He continues after 5 years not to pay me my money back after agreeing too on paper and verbally many times. Never give him your money. He lies about starting businesses that he never starts and takes your money and never gives it back. I learned the hard way. Please learn from my mistake. It cost me my childrens inherated college money from my mothers 34 years of hard work. He will deny this but I will prove it to you if you call me. I have already talked to some others who he has ripped off. I have signed contracts and many emails where he said he was going to pay me but never has. I cant find him and thats the way he wants it. Private Investigators and lawyers are too expensive to pay since none of them can guarntee results so I will have to eat this mistake but dont you make the same one. Listen to my warning, I dont care how good his deal sounds, its a lie. He is like the serpant described in the bible. A snake with a golden tongue. I know he is in Frisco, Texas but he may go to California some as well. He also pretends to be a Christain sometime but that's a front. He will adapt to whatever personality he needs too, to get your trust, then take your money and get lost. If you have any info to help find this crook or need evidence to help catch or prosecute him call 336-255-4412.

Company: Rod Willis
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Frisco
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