William H Bonney, Aka Innovative Property Solutions, Aka Legendary Solutions, Inc
SECURITIES FRAUD - $30,000.00 Promissory Note Unpaid

Business & Finance

William H. Bonney borrows money to buy real estate for himself and did not honor his Promissory Note. He defaulted on it and threatens bankruptcy to evade giving back your money. The item is in collections right now, I have alerted government agencies, I will alert the Arizona Attorney General's Office as well as any other organization that can "out" this person's activities. The note became due May 1, I received no money back at that time, no new contract, no proof of real estate transaction, no offer to even pay back the money.

In fact I received excuse after excuse as to why things were taking so long and was told a bunch of lies about the alleged property he suggested I invest in. Mr. Bonney purchased the Phoenix AZ property for himself, some county records show a transaction on 4/16/07 and more into October on an apartment building located at 9107 N 12th St, Phoenix, AZ from a Kevin and Michelle Rogers of DITR Properties.

There are hundreds of thousands of dollars in Promissory type notes and loans written by Mr. Bonney for multiple properties around AZ, and in CA.

I have not received my money back from the Bonney's and they have avoided writing back or making any contact as far as willingness to pay back their debt. It is my fear that they'll prey on smaller investors and try to stiff them because they think they can get away with it.

What they don't know is that I am an investigator who has hired the top investigators to go after these people along with government authorities. Selling bad notes can land these people in jail, and if I do not receive payment in full on this note, I will make it my purpose in life to see that these people are run out of town and out of business. I have kept my word, and my company expects them to keep theirs.

I am not an individual investor but an Arizona LLC with all the laws behind me to collect what is due to my company. I will continue to place status reports on this site and if the Bonney's pay their debt, I will note that here and clear their name.

I will also be mailing the Bonney's a copy of my badge and remind them that they'd be wiser next time to evaluate who they borrow from, instead of thinking they're above the law and can simply get away with telling people they don't feel like paying, or aren't going to. Perhaps they've gotten away with this in the past and got cocky and sloppy? Perhaps my company was the first victim? The Bonney's picked a hell of a hornet's nest to upset here in Arizona and had best consider that if they want to continue to make their living off buying and selling real estate, that they'd best pay back their debts to all debtors, not only the one's they "feel like" paying. This is how securities fraud is committed, and people do not realize how serious this can get or that there is serious jail time for knowingly committing a fraud, which this clearly seems to be.

Who would be stupid enough to get taken down over $30,000.00 when they own millions of dollars in property? It makes no sense. Again, they didn't borrow from some individual, they borrowed from a COMPANY here in Arizona and the laws are on my side. If this isn't paid come January the IRS will be getting some information on these people, as will the owners of the building the Bonney's just purchased in Phoenix. Between myself and the other investigators, this should make for interesting conversation.

My advice to anyone out there, keep your money and invest it yourself. Real Estate buyers in this market can be shady and they often feel they can write their own ticket on YOUR money. This is theft, it is a crime, report it.

Company: William H Bonney, Aka Innovative Property Solutions, Aka Legendary Solutions, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Cajon
Address: 4054 Baghdad Ct
Phone: 6198239338
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