Flint Creek Computers
Robert Broziac Charged $3,500 for a new website that did not have search engines or key words

Internet & Web

My computer contracted a virus so I asked Mr. Broziac for help. He offered his other services as a webmaster to update my site. This process took over 6 months. After its "launch" my business disappeared. I called and e mailed him numerous times during the next 3 months and he blamed the economy/time of year etc. After the 3rd month of no business and considering bankruptcy I called friends to look for my business on the internet. I never came up in the usual first page. I went from the first page to the last. I called to notify him of my discovery and he finally looked into it. He apologized but his son forgot to put on the search engines and key words. I hired him not his young son that obviously does not know the procedures. I no longer trusted him so pleaded for my previous webmaster to put my old site back up. I started getting business again that very night. I need to be repaid for the cost of the website that he charged me $3,630 and never used. He is also using my site to lure in other customers. I wish they knew that the site looks nice but it does not function making it useless.

Company: Flint Creek Computers
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Naples
Address: Italy Valley Road
Site: flintcreekcomputers.com
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Internet Advancement, Aka 4GreatBuys.com
Internet Advancement Aka 4GreatBuys.com A TOTAL RIPOFF. Waste of Money... Joke!

Consumer Report

Emerchant Club Website Ripoff Websites are too expensive. I paid almost $3,000 for a very cheap looking website

SMCorp Aka SMC Aka Emerchant Club
SMC Website Ripoff Websites are too expensive. Paid almost $3,000 for a cheap looking website

Mobile Penguins

Internet First Page Ranking Company - Search Engine Optimiztion

Consumer Report

Justia, Inc. And Tim Stanley
Consumer Report

Internet Advancement
Seems to be out of business

American Website Solutions-Summer Ventures
American Website, Promise to increase website visibility and move you up search engines, but it's all a lie