Computertraining. edu Cowards close doors and tell students via email

Internet & Web

I am a student, or was, at the Bensalem Campus. I like others received the email today that school is closed. I am not surprised that nobody from computertraining had the courage to sign their name and take credit. For those of you who didn't get the email it is signed "computertraining. Edu."

The letter suggested we contact the state department of education if we have any further questions. This is a school that constantly emphasized being professional in all we do taking responsibility for our actions and they couldn't even answer the phones to at the very least offer a personal apology. They hid, like cowards. This shows the lack of respect they had for me as a student.

Worse yet, they are thieves. They took money knowing they were in trouble. It explains why nobody is around to talk to us. I remember how they were always right there waiting for me to write a check, which I now regret.

Company: Computertraining. edu
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Bensalem
Address: 3333 Street Road One Greenwood Square Suite 305
Phone: 8007335641
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