WARNING MAJOR SCAM that will steal your money too!

Internet & Web

These guys are SCAMMERS!!! Even though I thought I was being carefulwhen signing up for this site I still got screwed. Unchecked boxes Ididn't want, read fine print, you name it, and still got the shaft. Wastold I was I'd be getting "exclusive access" to files but in realityall they did was direct me to a fake login page and, at best, torrent links - most of which weren't even real!

For these "services, " they charged me for much morethan I authorized, and when I tried to contact them about getting arefund (or even an explanation) they just ignored me. At that point, Idecided I'd take matters into my own hands. I contacted my bank and they explained to me how I can get my $back: CHARGEBACK.

If you don't know what this is, take a look here:

They explainit very well: "Basically, you do a chargeback when you feel like you'renot getting what you paid for, in terms of the quality or type of goodor service." Sound familiar?

After that, you contact your credit card company and start theprocess and give a reason. One of the most common ones is "Services notrendered." If the merchant/scammer cannot prove that you received whatyou paid for, they get screwed. NO MATTER WHAT, you have nothing tolose: a) they are either found guilty, in which case you get all yourmoney back, they get hit with a penalty and - if enough people do this - are forced to shut down, or b) you fought the good fight and didn'tlose anything. Likely, you'll win. The more suspicious and worse thewebsite, the better your chances.

I'm sick and tired of this kind of * happening to me and everyoneelse out there. These bastards make a fat living screwing innocentpeople like you and I on a daily basis and it's time we put an end toit! Please don't idly sit by because "it was only $20" or something tothat extent. There is ways to tip the scales back in our favor and thisis one of the best ways to do it!

Country: USA
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