Mark Blue: owner bribing my 10 year old to buy items in a online game

Internet & Web

My son 10 years old is Autistic. Since November of this year he became a member of a website called He likes to play Runescape and this website promised to be a faster and a better server to play the game. I knew he was on the website, but not sure what he was doing. Last week I recieved an e-mail from Paypal that $30 was charged to my account. I right away contacted the owner of the website Mark Blue (not sure if this is his real name) He refunded the money right away. I received another email from Paypal for $30 dollars. I went into my Paypal account and found out my son was buying gear for his game and payed to be a moderater (who lets a child be a moderater?) for 265 dollars. I got 60 back so far. As soon I questioned the other purchases, my son"s account was canceled. I 'm not sure what I bought for $200. Yes, it was wrong from my son to take my password to my Paypal account, but he still has nothing to show for. The website is mocking him and calls him a homo and they even made a video about him... Mature Hmm. Http:// V=OKCvxWcj89A I want my money back and all the bad stuff of my son taken of the internet. I wish there was a better way to protect children from website like this. This website was intended for adults, but little kids can sign up as easily. I have contacted the FTC. What else can I do with people that promise a minor something, let him pay for it and don't give up the goods?

Country: USA
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