Ramka Ltd - AllMusicConverter Software And SoundTaxi
Sound Taxi? Can't reach for refund... Only works on one computer... Doesn't work as advertised

Internet & Web

Simple said, doesn't work faster than regular speed. All it does it record the audio file as it plays real time. Worked on multiple files at same time with mp3 only. Any other files were ONE at a time. Might as well use Audacity. When reformatted my computer several days later... Found out to my chagrin... Can't reinstall on new computer. It id's your hardware and requires it only on the same PC. Activation can be used ONCE only. What a piece of crap. Don't waste your money like I did (i'm normally not guillible). Did through paypal, filed claim, hope to get funds back but GOOD LUCK. They told me since it was "delivered" they won't refund. So much for the paypal security!

Learn from my mistake. Don't use anything with soundtaxi or RAMKA, DRMbuster, DRM buster attached...

Company: Ramka Ltd - AllMusicConverter Software And SoundTaxi
Country: USA
Site: www.drmbuster.com
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Ramka Ltd - AllMusicConverter Software And SoundTaxi
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Ramka Ltd
It can only be installed once!

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