Epassporte is a ripp off Nation Wide internet

Internet & Web

Epassporte.com is a ripp off i went to register for an account with them it read to complete the whole registration on their site i was going to be charged a pending fee of $2 for authentication this agency posses as a credit card holder company so I'm thinking their legit then as you scroll down it tells you to type in the U.S. Dollar amount that was charged from your credit card which was the $2 pending fee of authentication then it tells you to proceed by pressing continue upon continuing as it goes on to the next page on the top of the page it read that i entered the incorrect pending authentication amount and that i had one more chance to enter the correct amount before my credit card is blocked so i call them the person who i was speaking to didn't talk clear English i told them that i just registered on their site for an account the person asked me for the user ID name that i signed up with and my credit information last digit of my cell number i was originally signing up to a site called camgirlsmodeling originally when cam girls modeling emailed me back to tell me that i can go ahead and start working on their site and to get an account with epassporte for payment sending camgirlmodeling tells you to sign up with epassporte these two are probably linked I'm not sure the phone person so he has my credit information and then goes on to tell me that i was charged but that $2 wasn't taken so i go to my online credit account with the guy still on the phone he lied my previous balance was $5.82 i saw that they took $2.44 so i said $2.44 was taken off his excuse was to call my card holder i knew something wasn't right and i heard like a man like voice yell in the back too like in excitement so after this i called my card holder and told them that fraudulent activity just happen to my account and while I'm talking to customer service the person said fund was just withdrew from my account again i asked of what was withdrew the response was $2.98 this wasn't authorized they withdrew my money i was told by customer service to call them to stop any transaction i called them back to tell them that money was withdrew again from my account and that my card agency informed me to tell you to stop all transaction so the same person from whom i spoke with was the same person that had picked up he asked me again for the user ID name when registering and then asked me for my mailing address i had given have of it out and then i stopped and asked why do u need my address to stop a transaction the response was they need it on record i said your company took unauthorized money from my account you have my credit information and that you don't need my home address to stop a transaction they wanted my full address i think they were planning on doing something to me if i had given them my full address their's no telling what could happen all i know now is that i see that this site has a lot of people just like myself that got ripped off by this company and i hope higher officials put a stop to them.

Frezno, California

Company: Epassporte
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 3103012001
Site: epassorte.com
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Ripoff Internet

RipOFF, NonSecure, Liars Don't Know?

Stole My Student Loans! Marina Del Rey California

Fraudulent Use of My Account Marina Ripoff Del Rey

Epassporte.com Interstate Commerce Fraud

They Blocked my card for no reason

This company is a big ripoff false advertising

Is a scam

Ripoff, dishonest, take money and no return for useless product

Fraudulent behavior Los Angelos california