Contingent Network Services, LLC
Does not pay for goods and services received by technicians

Internet & Web

Successfully completed 2 jobs for Contingent Network Services in Syracuse NY as a subcontractor. No payment received as of 60 days after completing work. Staff lies on phone about when payment is to be issued. No payment received as of 60 days after completing work. Contingent Network Services should be investigated for interstate fraud by the Ohio Attorney General's Office. Extremely dishonest.

Company: Contingent Network Services, LLC
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Hamilton
Address: 4400 Port Union Road
Phone: 5134982064
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Contingent Network Services
Contingent Network Services Rips Off IT professionals

Contingent Network Services
If you want to work for free do work for Contingent Network Services

Contingent Network Services
LLC Contingent Network Services, LLC does not pay for services rendered by IT professionals in Big Rapids, Michigan

Contingent Network Services, LLC
Failure to pay for IT services rendered New York

Contingent Network services
Failure to pay

Contingent Network Services
Failure to pay for work. Arrogant insulting staff

Contingent Network services
Failure to pay

Contingent Network Services
No Pay, Lies about payment, Rude

Contingent Network Services, LLC
Contingent Payment - "When, no one ever said that... We always run this far back in paying out"

Contingent Services
Scott Campbell Performed two jobs, did not get paid, contacted them, gave them what they asked for, still no pay, leaving messages, no response