Contingent Network Services, LLC
Failure to pay for IT services rendered New York

Internet & Web

Contingent Network Services played more mind games with our organization, they failed to pay after several, several months of trying to collect and when they did pay they only paid 1/3 of the bill and marked it as paid in full... STAY FAR FAR FAR away from these guys, do not do any contractor work for them

Company: Contingent Network Services, LLC
Country: USA
State: New York
City: NY
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Contingent Network Services
Contingent Network Services Rips Off IT professionals

Contingent Network Services
LLC Contingent Network Services, LLC does not pay for services rendered by IT professionals in Big Rapids, Michigan

Contingent Network services
Failure to pay

Contingent Network Services
If you want to work for free do work for Contingent Network Services

Contingent Network Services
Failure to pay for work. Arrogant insulting staff

Contingent Network services
Failure to pay

Contingent Network Services, LLC
Does not pay for goods and services received by technicians

Contingent Services
Scott Campbell Performed two jobs, did not get paid, contacted them, gave them what they asked for, still no pay, leaving messages, no response

Contingent Network Services
1099 contractors Beware

Contingent Network Services
Do not perform subcontract work for this company if you want to get paid