FairPoint Communications
Failure to re-activate voluntary account suspension on request

Internet & Web

My provider, FairPoint, has been billing me monthly to retain all service as it was when I requested account suspension for the winter season. I had high-speed dsl Internet and a good package that included unlimited calling in and out of state, caller ID, and other services for under $50/month before. I do not understand why my telephone / Internet service has not been restored correctly when requested. It has now been over a month since requesting restoration, and I still only have the most basic dial tone and slowest possible dial up Internet. Even after having over a week's notice to restore services, no calls could be made out upon my arrival.

My experiences with their Tech. Support have been fruitless. Each time I call their Customer Support, the wait time on hold has consistently exceeded 3 hours. I ran out of cell phone minutes attempting to contact them, and yet they have not been helpful, or performed their responsibilities.

This is more than a mere nuisance for me. My family and income have been severely affected by this failure to comply on Fair Point's behalf. I feel it is a sham on the part of FairPoint, and that they have no intention of correcting the situation, in spite of the intention they state to the contrary.

Company: FairPoint Communications
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Lewiston
Phone: 8669842001
Site: www.fairpoint.com
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