1and1 Internet
Canceled 8 Have cancellation email then they charged my cc acct

Internet & Web

I signed up for the basic 2.95 domain. When I printed their bill it said 17.95. I had also signed up for Norton, which I didn't want. So I immediately cancelled. I tried calling but they only work M-F 9to5, so I emailed and told them to cancel, they did and sent me a cancellation verification email. Luckily I saved it. Anyway... 1month later I went to my bank and they had waited 30 days to put thru a charge, so I took my cancellation to the bank and they reversed the charge and closed my account.
Now 1 yr later May I get this dirty letter from NCO Financial saying I owe 24.95 to 1&1 Internet Service.
They refused to remove the collection until they investigate.
I can't believe what a scam this company has going on.
I'm turning it over to the Iowa Attorney General's office and the FED TRade Commission
Isn't anyone monitoring these online scavengers and the collection low lifes?
Where's our Gov when we need them???

Company: 1and1 Internet
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Chesterbrook
Address: 701 Lee Rd Ste 300
Phone: 8773008316
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1and1 Internet
They made unauthorized charges

1and1 Internet
Unauthorized charges

1&1 Internet, Inc. - 1and1

One & One Internet
Won't allow me to cancel my unused domain

Carl Blackmond
Carl In I canceled my 1and1.com services. I have confirmation from 1and1 "we have received cancelation" During an audit we discovered that 1and1 drafted our account in 09,10, &11. They refused to re

1 & 1 Internet Inc
I canceled my web domain renewal when they asked me if I wanted to renewed it. Unfortunately I did not know i had to log into my account and cancel it there. A week ago, I received a debt collection

Consumer Report

Made it extremely hard to cancel/confirm I had canceled Internet

Ripoff scam for free credit report

1 & 1 Internet
1and1 Internet Erroneously sent to NCO collections, NCO drops case, 1and1 email says will allow transfer yet still locked