HP Hewlett-Packard refused to fix a known issue with a DV 6000 lapot (BLANK SCREEN)

Internet & Web

This by far is the worse service that I have ever received by a company that takes pride when comes to Customer service.
I contacted Tech support via Chat because I have a blank screen and the agent told me that this is ok and that they are going to take care of it because of the onetime enhancement program, I made a special request top him and he said that it was out of his hands but that I was going to receive a call from a case manager (still waiting).
5 days went by and no call, so I contacted the Support again the agent told me that they have no records of that and that I am out of warranty, I tried tell her about the situation and she just close her thinking and refused to listen, I told her that I had an email for HP saying that I was going to received the case manager's call.
So long story short, one agent tells you something and provides a case ID, and the next agent tells you that you are lying, and you are out of warranty.

Here is the link where HP offers to fix the computers with the same symptoms

Http://h10025. Www1. Hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document? Docname=c01087277&lc=en&cc=us

Costa Rica

Company: Hewlett-Packard
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palo Alto
Address: 3000 Hanover Street
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