DRI*ELEMENT5.com - PC Tools
Auto Renewal Scam

Internet & Web

I fell victim to an Auto Renewal Program for PC Tools Spyware Doctor.
I did not ask to be auto renewed. And I have no idea why a third party company is taking ther money from my account for this. I checked thru my emails and there was nothing stating I would recieve this charge.

I have called my bank and notified them of this situation and asked to have the payment blocked as it was pre-authorized.

02/25 0926 dda preauth 02/22 dri*element5.com element5.infomnus dri*eleme 39.95

The auto renewal of software is a dangerous thing that needs controlled. Wether a magazine, software, or news paper money cannot be taken from our accounts without our approval. Companies have been doing this for way too long and its a negative practice.

I had to borrow money to get my account positive only to have this rediculous attack on my finances reduce my to once again overdraft. This is a deal breaker for me. I will never buy another internet based software program again.

Thanks PC TOOLS for letting me trust you with my computer security when it was my Bank Account that was truely in jepordy.

No more recomendations for you.

Company: DRI*ELEMENT5.com - PC Tools
Country: USA
Site: corporate.digitalriver.com/store/driv/corp/sectionname.commerce/subsectionname.smb/page.smbel
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DRI Element5.com
This may be our solution! I don't know yet if it will work

PC Tools
Automatic Renewal Internet

DRI Element5, Pc Tools, Digital River Company, Spyware Doctor
Unauthorized credit card charges

Dri*element5.com - Element5.info 01

Fraudulent charge

PC Tools Inc
Scam don't purchase will bill you in spite of cancelling then refund days later!

PC Tools
Fraudulently billed for recurring license

This company got into my bank account and took out $39.95. Ripoff!

PC Tools
Consumer Report

PC Tools
Auto Renewal BOGUS charge to my bank account