Web Club International
Lied about the rules of their return policy

Internet & Web

The Company was untruthful in their dealing with me, although my bank said that they would not return my money, the persons that I spoke to, told me that if I would return the package that my money would be refunded, they got me for 298,00Dollars. I would think that a company with any ethics would do all that they could to make sure that every one that they have done business with would be happy about the dealing with the company.

Alas in the world today, we constantly deal with unethical people and companies, that are only interested in the bottom line which is money, the greed of these companies will be their downfall. So in my eyes, and aparently others that have been treated this way in their dealings with this company, this company is unethicail, and driven by greed. So they have shown themselves to be a company of no morals, or ethics, they will have to answer to their problems some day, when they stand in front of their Creator. I would not want to be in their shoes..

Company: Web Club International
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 7000 North 16thSt, Ste 152
Phone: 8002172260
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