GeneWize Life Sciences Inc
LifeMap Nutrition Systems, GeneLink BioScience Stole My Money just for Looking at the "Opportunity"!

Health & Medicine

I was intrigued by the idea of having a vitamin supplement that was customized to your DNA. So intrigued in fact, that I ignored the red flags.

I placed my order for the Affiliate Business Builder Package on June 17. Cost was $499 tax/shipping = $549.94. I received my package on Friday, June 26th, 9 days from ordering. I opened it and rushed my DNA sample right back.

Upon opening the bag of supplement, I was disheartened to see how large the capsules were. Then I found out that I was supposed to take 10, (thats 10!), of these everyday. No way! Oh, it said you could open them up & put them in juice if you did not want to swallow them; who has time for that?! Plus, then you have to taste them and I did not want that either.

The more I looked at it, the more I realized, this just was not going to work for me at all. So I called them first thing Monday morning, less than 72 hours after I had received my package, to cancel. They had not processed my DNA sample yet (probably had not even received it yet), so I should have been able to get that refunded no problem, right? Wrong! They cancelled the test and still kept my money!

I was informed that because I had not cancelled within three days (of ordering), I would only receive a refund of $105.16 for the supplement itself. I asked her how I was supposed to make a decision about something when I had not even seen the product yet. Her reply was, "I am sorry, but it is right there on the front what our return policy is."

So, I went back through the site as if I was going to enroll again; looking for this return policy that "is right there on the front." All the way through to last page, still no return policy. Then we get to the terms and conditions. You know, that part we quickly scroll through and accept. Well, this time I was reading it. Sure enough, about 3/4 the way down, there it was.

Just because a company says it is "their policy", does not make it right. If they were not deliberately trying to take advantage of people, why did they bury it way down at the bottom of the terms and condition? Why not put right up there in the first paragraph, where everyone will see it. Because they are hoping that most people will do just what I did; that's why!

I was too trusting and I got "took". They refunded $105.19 for the supplement and later after several phone calls, refunded an additional $100. Big Deal. I am still out $344.75 just for taking a look at this company. Expensive Look! Run from this one as fast as you can. There are legitimate companies out there that do not penalize people just for looking at their opportunity!

Company: GeneWize Life Sciences Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Longwood
Address: 317 Wekiva Springs Road
Phone: 4077727160
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