FAKE computer security software

Internet & Web

We had some computer issues and decided to google antivirus software. We found cyberdefender... Unfortunately. We checked the box to pay 29.99 for the low level package and ended up getting charged $80.00. Then we started the scan that they proclaimed would "save" our computer.

Well, we will never know how the scan came out because it never finished. The software claimed to find several viruses and when we clicked the "remove virus" button and were brought back to the purchase page. Over and over again. So, we thought we should call the customer service number. When we finally were able to talk to someone, they wanted to remotely link up to our computer. Well, the bells and whistles went off and we said no.

We DID tell them we wanted our money back, but have yet to see a credit on our account. Now our computer is having even more problems. After all of that, we decided to cancel the credit card we used. It was a precautionary measure because we were completely spooked. Then we looked up cyberdefender on I only wish we would have looked them up sooner. I'm glad that we cancelled our card. Lesson learned.

Company: Cyberdefender
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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What a scam
Consumer Report

CyberDefender Corp
NASDAQ OTCBB: CYDE, Run By: Gary Guseinov, Bing Liu, Igor Barash, Michael Barrett, David Bruggeman, Jerry Puda, Scott Wade, Sean Whiteley Rip Off, don't work properly, they miss a lot of viruses, false sense of security

Refused to Refund on Product Purchase - until Credit Card Company called them

Consumer Report

CyberDefender Corp
CyberDefender, They installed the type of malware they're supposed to remove

Pandora Software / Cure-soft
Antivirus RIP-OFF Internet

CyberDefender 10 Hours Work With 4 Technicians Resulted in NO Fix and Removal of Internet Security - They Refused To Refund $249.96
Anti-virus Scam, Pop-up Virus Scam