Drove Me Crazy over DSL and web site and now webmail

Internet & Web

There is too much too print here, But it took them 5 months to get me DSL initially. I moved about six months later to a home on the same block and advised them, they said NO Problem "I know that we can help you Sir" Two months later after having no phone line we contacted AT&T and got service within a week, But, we had to get a new tel # after having our old one for 10 years. We continue to be charged over $100 per month for service that was supposed to be $49.99 and which we don't even have! Further-more my web mail is a mess all three mail addresses each recieve the mail for all of them. And Now, 2 weeks ago, my main web site which they have hosted for 8 years is inoperative and my secondary site has disappeared, I have spent hours No days! Talking to people in India, the Dominican Republic and here in the US all without satisfaction. The feedback reports are totally ignored, I get one each time I make a query, I have recently responded with threats and rude remarks thinking someone would contact me. No way! What do i do?

Company: Earthlink
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Carol Stream
Phone: 8003278454
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Unauthorized billing
Ripoff: 10 months of DSL was noteworthy for confusion, misdirection, poor to no service and refusal to take any responibility. Atlanta, Internet

Earthlink Dsl
Are Liars And Ripoffs Earthlink rips consumers off on dsl internet service in texas

Refused to serviceme, or send me a monthly bill, ripoff /
Outblaze Takeover By IMB
Hosted Webmail Through

Juno Online Services - United Online has ghosting problem and times out and disconnects during periods of activity. Company provides crappy service. Nationwide

Earthlink Internet lied about their prices


Earthlink customer service
Horrible customer service and potentially fraudulent methods of making sales Internet