My Computer Works
Deceptive Contracts Scottsdale

Internet & Web

This company does nothing but lie to the sales pitch they tell you the wonderful things they are going to do. The fact is, they install all freeware, or shareware on your computer, things you can download and install yourself. The techs do not work out of offices they are home agents that are not certified in any way.

The biggest problem with this company is the contract. Remember how they said if you pay for a full year of sevice you get unlimited help? WRONG, you don't you get as much help as they want, and they have every right to cancel the agreement at anytime, with out refund. So if you ask 3 questions and they can't help you, or they spend a lot of time helpping you, then they can say you used too much time and cancel the contract. With out refunding you unused months of service.

I used them, because my father had great luck with them. They told me my computer would work better and be safe. They installed software that didn't work with Vista, and the tech when I asked if he could fix an error that kept coming up told me that's just a vista problem and it will always come up. Later after they canceled my service, I found something on a posting that told me three clicks on how to fix the error and I did it myself.

By the way, these guys don't know what they say they do.instead if you ask them a question, they do exactly what you can do, GOOGLE it, and look for it in data bases because they don't know what they are doing.

Luke Ford the CEO of it, is the biggest problem child of them all. He baited my father into the service, and as soon as they started to get more customers instead of getting calls back in an hour, it took days to get a call back. When you did they would set up appointments for you, and those would be weeks away. The first appointment for them to clean your computer takes hours, all they do is snoop around, install the free/shareware on your computer and install the spyware they put on to find out what you are doing.

Forget this company, you need help, call the neighborhood kid that is good with computers, pay them the money you would pay Luke Ford, at least you will get your monies worth.

My Computer Works is nothing but a scam.

Company: My Computer Works
Country: USA
Phone: 8776296972
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