Best Buy
Bait & Switch tactics, Charging for unneccessary services, Lying about services!

Internet & Web

During the frenzy of the black Friday weekend, My boyfriend and I were at the Best Buy store in Henderson, NV (across the street from the Hotel where we were staying) where I witnessed a store employee jump on a platform and try to sell a bunch of laptop computers as if it was an auction. He spoke through a bullhorn announcing the 'deals' but almost all of the computers included an "optimization service" that they charged an additional $169.00 fee. The guy with the bullhorn (his name tag either said Brett or Brent on it) was claiming that their optimization service would DOUBLE the speed of the computer.

We found that extremely difficult to believe. We asked another Best Buy employee if that was true and he replied "not really, we take much of the adware out of the computer and you might see a performance increase of 30% as a result of that, but it won't go double the speed". I asked some representatives from Microsoft, HP, and Dell that were in the store if the claim was true, and none of them were able to confirm or deny that the Best Buy statement of doubling the speed was true, but it was obvious they didn't believe the statements being announced.

Nearly all of the laptop computers that were advertised in the flyer were out of stock, with the exception of the units that were "optimized" by the Geek Squad.

This is a classic bait and switch operation. They advertise a computer at one price, but tack on $169 dollars for a WORTHLESS, UN-NECCESSARY service.

Best buy... Con artists and snake oil salesmen!!!

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
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