Trying to collect on a Modem I returned to them Atlanta

Internet & Web

I tried Earthlink's wireless service they offered in Philadelphia. After I ordered the service, I had problems not being able to lget access to the Internet or it taking FOREVER to load. I called Earthlink about five times about the issue and then canceled my service a few months after not bring able to get online.

Everytime I would call to cancel they would keep me on the phone with a customer service rep and ask me to keep trying the service. This happened at least four times. I would call to cancel, they would transfer me to a sales rep and offer me another month of their crappy service. They suggested a modem would correct the issue I was having. They offered to send me the modem for free to try it out. I agreed.

The modem came and so did my credit card bill. It turns out they actually charged me for shipping the modem on my credit card (when they said they wouldn't charge me) and additionally they were charging me for an extra user (the extra user, by the way, had my name). I disputed the charges with Earthlink and they removed them. I was so displeased with their service and mess ups with my bill that I cancelled again and returned the modem (unopened and unused) to them. Since then they have sent me bills for the modem stating I owe them for it. I have written the Earthlink serval times stating I returned the modem to them. They have now sent my case over to a collection agency. I am concerned that this will affect my credit. And I am refusing to pay this bill since I returned the modem to them.

Earthlink has showed incompetence as an Internet Service Provider, and obviously has some management/billing problems. Their customer service, while friendly, does little to resolve issues and seems meant to prolong the agony of the customer provider relationship.

Company: Earthlink
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Altlanta
Address: 1375 Peachtree Street
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Ripoff Company, Horrible Customer service, lies about refunds, and is just an all out scammer crooked internet service provide

Ripoff. Did not inform me that they do not support USB DSL connections, although it was specifically requested. No attempt made to provide any refund. False promises Atlanta

Earthlink DSL Internet Service
Earthlink - - ELNK On The Stock Ticker - Charles Betty: CEO False adverising and very misleading business practices and unfulfilled promises and theives to top it off

First called me and lied to me then Unauthorized debit from account

Can't make dsl work, won't cancel contract

They want me to pay a TERMINATION fee when the service NEVER STARTED! Ripoff


Earthlink, COVAD
Earthlink fraud, COVAD, CCR Collection Agency Internet

Earthlink Muni WiFi
Anaheim California Earthlink Muni Wifi Rip Off