Buisness Consultant Services - Bizsytm.com
Bogus charge of $129.85

Internet & Web

Noticed a charge on my account I did not authorize. Called the phone number and was immediately put on hold. After some time I was disconnected. This happened twice. Gave up and googled them. Found I'm not the first victim.

Company: Buisness Consultant Services - Bizsytm.com
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Phone: 8664176350
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Buisness Consultant Services - Bizsytm.com
Debited my credit card account for something I am unaware of

Buisness Consultant Services - bizsytm.com
Chris #3256 ripped off my bank account

BE WARNED of BIZSYTM Bank Account rip-off system

BizSytm Or BizMarketing, Amazon.com
BizSytm Or BizMarketing Amazon.com internet business

Charged $39.85 on my bank account UNAUTHORIZED ON 9/22/08

Blogtoolkit - BIZSYTM Or NBC Group
BlogtoolkitBlogtoolkit, it says By Google but it is not! - BIZSYTM Or NBC Group Scam, Fraud, Ripped Off or Whatever U Call It

Debited my acct for small amnt to test, then larger amount 2 weeks later Scottsdale / Arizona

Reward Me More Live
Charged me for something, I have never heard of this company before

U-Talk Unlimited
Lying, dishonest, misleading promises, Charge BEFORE trial ends

HPL Subscriptions-Hot Planet
Fraudulant e-check deducted money from my checking account. Elk Grove