Laptop Battery Depot
Product didn't ship

Internet & Web

My story is exactly like another story posted here. Product didn't ship when they said it did. And while there was a usps tracking no# (9101148008600628185688) with product has shipped notice. It said only this.
Search Results

Label/Receipt Number: 9101 1480 0860 0628 1856 88
Detailed Results:

Bullet Electronic Shipping Info Received, August 22
Bullet Shipment Accepted; August 22, 4:42 pm, RIVERSIDE, CA 92503

No address info. No nothing. Not moving or anything. I waited a week. Then I called. The service line which was never answered. Finally I got someone in sales. They agreed to reship. The next day I got another notice saying my product had shipped. With exactly the same tracking info. Which amounts to no shipping info. How can a product that was to have shipped on the 9-3 have the same tracking No# as a product that shipped 8-22. So I waited a day. Canceled the order Via their in house email. Then I called in a dispute with my bank. And had the card closed. And ordered a new card. It really looks like a nice website and it really looks like a bussiness. So they might only be terribly incompetent. Still I'd already seen enough. I've read up on them. And it's better to buy from Ebay. Even when they do actually ship.By many of the accounts. (Not good)

Company: Laptop Battery Depot
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: Laptop Battery Depot PO Box 54508
Phone: 8884976371
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Pacific Battery
Charged card ($51.00), didn't ship product. Offered replacement. Didn't ship that. Now no response to emails or phone calls

Scam and cheating

Electronic Cigarettes Inc
Charged credit card and never shipped product with multiple excuses

Power Sports Nutrition
( RIP OFF! Takes order & charges credit card, gives fake shipping/tracking numbers and doesn't send product! Ripoff

Vick Dog Chew Toy
Never shipped product

I purchased a Wii fit plus with balance board on March 7.By electronic check I have not received the product. I have sent several e-mail messages, request for return or the Wii Fit with ba

Did not receive shipment and have not received a response to numerous e-mail correspondence
Ripoff decieving customer service bad business practice
Never shipped product. Never contacted me. A Complete SCAM West Covina, California

National Darts
No response, said they shipped, it's all false