Alyon Technologies
Rip-off fraudulant billing

Internet & Web

These guys have an adult website and gave an option of 5 day 4.99 viewing of an adult site with option to cancel. Actually, they hooked you up to a telephone and you made long distance calls which you got charge 4.99 per minute!

WhenI tried to cancel, I got an e-mail saying that my name was not in the system

There was no mention of 4.99 PER MINUTE! They did not mention that they use a telephone line to connect you to a website!

I'm not paying these (censored) and want to go after them!

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: Pobox 923299
Phone: 8003790239
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Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) Billing

Assisted Alyon Technology rip-off "censored" by allowing my 900 and 976 block to be bypassed

Alyon Technologies
Rip-off (censored) Norcross Georgia

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff deception

Alyon Technologies
Consumer fraud ripoff

Technologies ripoff nobody was on the computer or was even at home!

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff (censored) dishonest billing

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies Inc (censored) ripoff billing for services not requested

Alyon Technologies, Inc
Alyon Technologies dishonest ripoff "censored" (censored)

Alyon Technologies
Rip-off (censored) business Georgia Internet