You watch a tornado coming, but there's nothing you can do about it, this company renders you helpless.internet

Internet & Web

Usually I make the mistake of paying my credit card without looking at the charges. For some reason, today I looked at the charges and had no idea who or what the charges are for. They have done a wonderful job in making themselves completely unavailable.

I have no idea how long these people have been billing me on my credit card. Until now, I have been completely oblivious to thes charges. I cannot get in touch with them, and I don't have the money to pay these bogus charges. If anyone can help, please contact me via email or phone. If it is by phone, please leave a message, as I hardly ever hear it ring.

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


Z-Tel Communications Incorporated
Ripoff billing, bogus billing, excessive billing, false billing Tampa Baltimore

AP9 PASSPORTTOFUN Ripoff The Unauthorized Charges To Your Credit Card Account-Beware!

MVQ ValMax - Intellis - adaptivemarketing, LLC I have no idea who these people are, but they charged me $23.95 twice last month. They have no contact phone number. Chase put me on the phone with them, and they deny knowing my name, or credit ca

DRI*8004974988eAuction800-497-4988 MN
Multiple unautorized credit card charges

TLG Great Fun
Unauthorized Charges My telephone bill has Miscellaneous Charges of $8.43 and labeled as Mybilling Srvc Setup F Internet

Direct One
Long Distance unauthorized charges to credit card ripoff

AP9 Passport To Fun
Unauthorized charges, fraudulent credit card charges

WLI Reservation Rewards
Fraudulent billing charges on credit card, totally dishonest and deceptive practices on the part of this "company". Shelton

DRI*Tibia Online Game MN
Unauthorizied Charges on Credit Card