DRI*8004974988eAuction800-497-4988 MN
Multiple unautorized credit card charges

Internet & Web

This company, individual or whoever they are have been charging $59.90 to my credit card each and every month at least as far back as July

I have no idea who they are and I have not received anything of real or imagined value for these charges. The phone number included in the description for the charges does not work. There is no address for this company. I have no idea how to contact them. I believe this is a pure rip off and I would love to find out how these people got my credit card information.

Company: DRI*8004974988eAuction800-497-4988 MN
Country: USA
Phone: 8434146497
Site: www.eauction.com
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Epoch - CCbill.com
Multiple charges to my credit card within 4 days!

Unauthorized charges to my credit card Internet

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12-30-06 and 1-13-07 unautorized charges to my credit card. The phone number on my bill is a automated phone number. No options to speak to a person, just to enter your credit card to order internet

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