Acquisis, The Reward Depot, Consumer Review Network
Acquisis, The Reward Depot Repeated Email requests yield no User name or Password after purchases made

Internet & Web

Upon completing all the requirements to receive a Honda Metro Scooter the company now refuses to send me my User name and Password to log in. They state that it takes 24 hours to get back to you, yet it was July 28 when I fullfilled the requirements for this offer.

I have sent 16 emails since, and have requested the information from their "lost Password" section of their site, and have yet to receive a reply.

I have all the vendor contacts from the companies I purchased from in order to complete the requirements, yet I can not check to see if they have verified my information. These "trial" offers have so far cost me $170.00 in addition to the dozen or more charges of $6.95 for shipping the original "Free Trial" of each product offered.

The company states that it may take them 45 days to receive confirmation or verification from each vendor in the offer. I have already beem billed nearly $90 for one and $80 for another of these vendors and it has been 19 days since signing up for these offers.

If I cancel the offers at this point the deal is off, but how long can I wait for them to contact me with the information I requested? This type of Fraud should be illegal, as I consider myself a fairly well educated person... And yes... I fell for it.

Company: Acquisis, The Reward Depot, Consumer Review Network
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Evanston
Address: 1555 Sherman Ave., #187
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