Bad service

Shops, Products, Services

I signed up for various offers to complete required points to receive a Honda Metro Scooter. Upon completion the Reward Depot gave me a runaround over a password and user name to check status of my "Free" prize. After virtually dozens of email I have received no response to why there are no confirmations of my completing ANY of the offers on their site. They do not respond to email, and the phone number listed is for a voicemail box that requires a password to even leave a message. It has cost me nearly $300 to get these "free" products from the offers required after calculating shipping charges and the full price 2nd month supply of these items that I would not have purchased in the first place. All I wanted was the free scooter they advertized, and I fulfilled the requirement to get this scooter, so where is it??? Acquisis, Reward Depot is a ripoff... Steer clear!!!

Company: Acquisis
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Evanston
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Bad service

Acquisis, The Reward Depot, Consumer Review Network
Acquisis, The Reward Depot Repeated Email requests yield no User name or Password after purchases made

Acquisis - The Reward Depot
Two free Southwest Airlines tickets with the completion of a survey. After completing the survey and purchasing two of there vendors products, they have not contacted me regarding the two free tickets. Ripoff Internet

Internet Opinion Group
Rip Off Free Motorola Razr V3 Offer Leads to SPAM

Consumer Report
Consumer Report

EMarketing Research
Failed to send promised reward for completing multiple offers

Internet Opinion Group
Ripoff! False offers of free Motorola Razr phone in exchange for signing up for sponsor offers Internet

Scooter Depot / Sunny Sports
The Money Pit

The Reward Depot
Consumer Report