LLC Deceptive company

Internet & Web

Ascentive LLC, in my opinion, has some very questionable business practices. My first clue should have been when I noticed there were no contact phone numbers listed anywhere on the website.

Second, all information on cancellations is only listed in the EULA. Nowhere on the site does it tell you to send an email to cancel within their "30 Day Trial Period" if the end of that period falls on a day that they are not open. (ie, weekends and holidays). All of this suggests a company with much to hide, little to offer, desperate for funds.

Last, the products they sell do not work! I noticed absolutely no difference in performance on my computer or internet connection. I would not recommend this company to anyone! I am also contacting the company that recommended them to me to request that they better investigate their "partnerships" better before adding them to their recommend list. This incident has seriously jepordized that company's reputation with me, and I seriously doubt I will do business with them anymore either.

Company: Ascentive
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 201 Spring Garden St
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Do not open e-mail from ascentive. Sends bug to slow up computer workings internet

Remove Ascentive from compute
Ascentive Ripoff

Ascentive PC SpeedProScan
Finally Fast I just looked at their message and didn't sign up. Can't get them off of my PC. Must be a virus

Misrepresent software costs
Finally Fast My Ass
Fraud and cheating

Ascentive LLC
Unethical Billing / Renewal / Cancellation Procedures

Stay away from this one!

Ascentive software
Consumer Report

Active Speed RIPOFF Liars! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania