NET Detective Bait and Switch with cell phone number that was not really available Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada

Internet & Web

I needed to contact my brother in law in an emergency situation, but I didn't have his cell phone number. A bogus link found with Google gave NetDetective top ratings for cell phone number lookups

Http:// Gclid=CKnewNOw9ZQCFQMLswodEFuYrQ.

This site appeared to be the official consumer reports web site, but I later found that this Web site was also a backup scam for NetDetectives. I went on NetDetective's / site and did a search for my brother in law. The result indicated that they had his cell and work numbers and all I had to do was sign up. I signed up and found that their database did not have either a cell phone for him or a work fact, the data they did provide was the same basic information that I had already found with Google. I felt cheated and then I took a closer look with Google searches at NetDetective and found that I had been scamed.

I called my credit card company cancelled the transaction and cancelled the credit card account number used for this transaction. The normal Internet Explorer security "lock" symbol was also not present on their web site while I entered my credit card information, which should have also given me a clue - but this was an emergency situation and I was desperate. They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

NetDetective's IP Address is which maps to ISP "ESERVER SPACE INC." in the city of Halifax, in Nova Scotia, Canada

Company: NetDetective
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


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