Anti virus software fraud

Internet & Web

Same company as many people report. I bought a software anti virus 2008
that was 49 us dollars not euro, s around 25 pounds they charged me 220 pounds i don, t know why. I cant recognise that company even i didn, t submit

slough, Arizona
United Kingdom

Company: Svc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Svs
  <     >  

RELATED COMPLAINTS / personal Antivirus
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I purchased virus protection software but don't recognise billing company and was overcharged Internet
Consumer Report

Anti Virus 2008
Anti Virus 2008 Aka Virus, Fraud, Scam Worldwide

Anti-Virus 360
Anti-virus 360 is a fraud and a scam

Best Buy
Anti Virus Scam Internet
Consumer Report

Cure-soft Shop
Moscow Computer Software scam they say you need anti virus immediately. Russia

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CA Internet Security Suite Products
CA Anti-Virus 2009 let virus get in PC. No customer service when Virus crash and Kill your PC