Tafiti Consulting - FX Marketing
Promises Lies Try to get you in more, Won't stop charging you Salt Lake City

Internet & Web

When first approached by Tafiti Consulting (appears on your credit card as FX Marketing) you are promised the sun and the moon. That is before they take your money, have you sign a contract, and then charge you more money!

Then the lies come through. They tell you that they will help you choose a niche to base your website on, to get the website up and going and help you all along the process - after all they have the "best" source to obtain wholesale products through. Do Not Listen to these lies. They charge $4,295.00 to let you watch videos! Do not fall for it. And money back? No way! You get stuck with the charge. So please if you want to call me - OK. I will tell everything to save you from paying that much money then watch that plus $39.95 a month go down the drain. To get them to stop I had to cancel my card!

I tried the nice way - the way that was suppose to help - but it did not. I called them, I emailed them, then I tried reversing the charges. All of this did no good. They inform your credit card company that you signed a contract, that you have accessed hours and hours of training, when in fact you may have accessed 1 hour of training like I did, then find out they are just a scam.

#1 - They only wholesale the junkiest products out there - There is no way that I could sell the products that they push to anyone and be able to look myself in the face. Consumers would be so m mad after they received the products that all you would do is to refund monies and that is expensive!

#2 - We will help you pick a profitable niche, after all that is our business. Yea right, when I ask the coach how to go about it and what she suggested, I was told that that is something they would never do! It is up to you to select your niche. Her suggestion was to sell canvases to artists! Do you realize how many companies have very discounted canvases on the internet? Too many - and they had no source from where I was suppose to receive these canvases at wholesale from either. And that was the end of her suggestions.

#3 I accessed 2 hours of training - after all each video is one hour long. Then a coach would call you and ask you if you understood the video. After the first video and after asking the coach how to pick a profitable niche, she indicated that she had picked one so I should stick to it. Sell canvases - I? Am back to selling canvases? Yea right. Not me! Do you realize how many canvases one person would have to sell in order to get their money back from this program? Thousands upon thousands.

#$ My only goal is to keep others from investing in this type of garbage. To keep others from being ripped off. I am so tired of these internet run businesses promising the moon and giving you moon rocks instead. How do they sleep at night?

Company: Tafiti Consulting - FX Marketing
Country: USA
State: Utah
Phone: 8664783453
Site: www.tafiticonsulting.com
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