Train Signal Training

Education & Science

DO NOT BUY FROM - You will regret it if you do.

I was in the market for some additional Microsoft training and became attracted by Train Signal's pretty web site and lofty promises. I visited their website and tried some of their "free" training and it looked like decent stuff for the price. The video was grainy but I thought that the poorer quality was likely because it was a web download. When I spoke with them, they said that because their video cbts came on DVD, the actual product would be much better quality. That was the first of many mistakes and lies.

When I called them up, I asked what happens if I don't like their training. I spoke with one of their representatives who assured me that they offered a money back guarantee. He assured me that I had nothing to worry about. He said they had been in business for 7 years and they would take care of me. More lies. Lies, lies, lies.

I bought their training. Over $800 worth of Train Signal MCITP CBT training. Every bit of it was complete trash. The grainy video on the web was better than the real DVD. The sound quality in the video was worse than a home movie on a cheap camera. My mobile phone has a better video camera than what they must use to record their training. At times I could barely hear and there were so many missing parts that there was no way I could have possibly passed the exam. They skipped entire sections. The video was a complete waste.

So I tried calling to get my money back just 10 days after purchasing. The train signal sales rep was very helpful when he was trying to sell me. But afterwards he wouldn't return my calls or emails. I called them numerous times and got only the run around. "I'll have customer service contact you" and "Why don't you just use the videos a little longer" and "Are you sure your computer is new enough to handle our software" They offered a money back guarantee but good luck using it. They guys are greedy and shady. They sell you garbage products with a smile on their face and then ignore you as soon as you have any issues. I wish I had never even heard of these guys. Train Signal is a bunch of LIARS.

Do not buy from - awful, awful, awful. The worst company ever.

Company: Train Signal Training
Country: USA
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