Webmenu, corporate) Clients1, VortalSurf
Webmenu, Clients1, VortalSurf. Webmenu corporate, are FRAUDS, And Others

Internet & Web

Beware. This company affiliated with John Sloatman and Charles Lloyd.

These companies have history of INTERNET FRAUD. CAUTION CAUTION

We were sold a space to advertise our company on a new unique toolbar incorporated with myspace and skype. We were told they had 11 million current users and were sold 3 sets of words, 'mortgage leads', 'mortgage lead' and 'lead generation'. Copy of main clause in contract is below.

Here is thier so-called contract:

1. Guaranteed 25,000 Visits to customer website in first 90 days. 2. PRT Will not use any hit generator to generate hits and are organic searches by tool bar users. 3. Customer may change key words with in 72 hours notice. 4. Customer has first right of refusal after initial year on the above key phrases price not to exceed $6000.00.5. Customer may purchases additional Key words at 40% discount off of PRT list price

We installed a stat counter to track and make sure we got what we paid for. Within 2 days we were seeing 300 additional hits a day to our site, we were excited, except for the fact that we didn't get one phone call. Prior to that we can document that for every 50 hits to our site we made one sale and received 12-16 calls a day from it. The only thing that changed after we bought the space was our hits.

We asked our stat company to check out the hits and they confirmed they were inorganic hits, a clear violation of the contract, I have all the proof I need of this (report from them with every hit).

I also before writing this went to check on it, as we haven't received a refund which we were told we would receive in 7 days from December 6th.

Somewhere since the 6th they have had heated communication with my partner and not say they won't refund our monies until they sell the words, I have that in writing also.

When I checked on the sets of words I found that one set is now owned by another company, I also printed proof and can provide that. Even after selling one of the three sets of words, no refund, not even partial.

I sent them an email from myself with all of those documents and have been ignored. I trid to approach them coolheaded and professional but apparantly, they have no desire to make this right. So if you happen to do a search for them on here, there you go, contact me for any evidence or details you may need.

Please contact us if you have also been ripped off by these folks. Let's get em!.

(ROR redacted email address for security purposes)

Hodgenville, Kentucky

Important: public information and warning&

Vortal Surf Owner Charles Lloyd Guilty of Million Dollar Internet Fraud Scheme.
*The settlement includes a suspended judgment of $2.7 million.

Charles Lloyd and his company, Healthcare Claims Network, Inc., doing business as Med Data Solutions...
Project Busted Opportunity was a law enforcement sweep launched by the FTC, the Department of Justice, and 17 state law enforcement agencies targeting fraudulent work-at-home business opportunities. The FTC's complaint alleged that the defendants promised that, for $485, they would provide consumers with everything necessary to perform medical billing services from home, including training, a list of doctors in need of home-based medical billers, and the software to perform the work.instead, the FTC alleged, the defendants provided consumers with inadequate training and medical billing software that many consumers were unable to use.in addition, consumers allegedly found that the doctors on the defendants list had no need for at-home billing services. As a result, the FTC alleged, consumers were unable to earn any income using the defendants medical billing packages.

Keywordsllc/Webmenu have a history Lawsuits and Fraud. Currently, ex-reseller in Federal Prision till 2012. Owner John (Jay) Slaotman has history of Fraud and Theft.

Media contact:

Brenda Mack,
Office of Public Affairs

Staff contact:

Steven Baker
FTC Midwest Region - Chicago

(FTC Matter No. X020072)
(Civil Action No. 2:02 CV 4569 MMM (AJWx)

P.S. Just google em' to look them up...

Company: Webmenu, corporate) Clients1, VortalSurf
Country: USA
State: California
City: Studio City, lewes
Address: California, Nevada, Delaware And Others
Phone: 8006053791
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