E Z Income - iwealthu, Easygoogleincome, Easyincome
E Z Income&iwealthu, Easygoogleincome, Easyincome misrepresentated nationwide

Internet & Web

This report is sumitted to enforce a previous report dated 6/20 by Dar3954, Milan, Illinois and adds some specifics on the proccedure followed by this (these) companies in their scam.

On th 30th of June I received an E Mail suppling me with an E Mail address stating support of it and encouraging me to review the site. I do not remember the site; but received a E Mail after ordering a CD having a 1.95 postage charge which I aggreed to and provided a credit card for payment. That same day I received E Mail welcoming me to Internet Wealth University, supplying me with a number items of information none of which was active.

This was discovered later on the 7th of JUly when I received a call advising that if I did not decline the offer with the following agent, I would be billed 39.95 per month to continue to participate in the program. I held on and no one ever answered for me to decline. I have caller ID, so the number was recorded and I call the rest of that day. I was unable to get a response until about 5 PM CST about 4 hour later, stating he was in a conference call and call back. I did; but there was no response.

I loss my credit cards and founthat these people charged me 39.95 on the 7th of july without me vewing the web and viewing their information or receiving a CD.
Unfortunately, I loss my credit cards on the 7th of July, and in the process of cancelleding the cards I became aware of the scam.
The facts follow:
June 30&Agree to receive a CD
July 7th&Receive phone call stating if i did not cancell by holding, I would be billed 39.95 per month.
July 8th — contined call number and visiting sites
July 9th — Realized I loss credit cards. Start process.
Discover that I had been billed 39.95 on the 7th of July. This was the 9th of July
July 9th — Cancelled the credit cards an will dispute the charge. I have no CD or visited their site seven times for viewing.

Company: E Z Income - iwealthu, Easygoogleincome, Easyincome
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8665837789
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Google EZ Income, Iwealthu, Easy Income
This company sent me e-mail promising to send me a CD to review their easy income program. I never received CD but I was charged $39.90 monthly fee on my credit card.internet

Simon Mall Gift Cards
Dishonest, Thieves... Customer service, blaming State Gov, Bank, & Call Center out of country!

Easy Net Income, Iwealthu.com, Internet Wealth University, Ezincome 5
Easy Net Income - Iwealthu.com - Internet Wealth University - Ezincome 5 Company Is A Fraud

First National Bank Of Marin
Ripoff fraudulent information on credit report Now I know the reason why I have been getting denied credit

Consumer Capital Services

Blue Mountain Greeting Cards

First Capital Security Information
Said that for $199.00 I would receive two credit cards for 2000.00 they withdrew the money from my checking account

Specialty Perennials - Hardyplants.com
Takes orders, doesn't deliver or respond to inquiries

Money Works Financial Protection Centre
Telemarketers get credit card information and make unauthorized charges, refuse refund

Innovative Wealth Builders, INC
Consumer Report