DRI Elements
My checking account was debited $29.95 for a service that I have never used

Internet & Web

I was charged $29.95 for a service that I have never used. It's big ripoff and something sould be done about it.

Company: DRI Elements
Country: USA
Site: dri elements.com/elements.infomn
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Unauthroized charge to checking account

Dri Elements Elements MN
False charges to checking account with debit card reference Elements mn

Dri, Elements. 1
Dri, elements. 1 Fraudlent charges

Dri - Elements Info
Removed funds from my checking account

Dri - Elements Info
Charged my debit card $29.95 for whatever, without my approval. This is not the first this company has done this

Ripoff they charged me for service I did not request 24.95

AOL On Line
Ripoff duplicating monthly charges for same month of service ripoff

Fraudalent $19.95 charge to my checking account Internet

Dri. elements.com

Ripoff 49.95 plus 19.95 out of my checking account, who are they?