Passive Profits
They Beat the Bank! Established a claim with BA even with a Confirmation No. From PP to cancel LOOKS LIKE I LOOSE AGAIN!

Internet & Web

In the last part of October, I received an email for a FREE CD on How to Make Big Bucks with Google. All I had to do was pay the S&H Fee of $3.99. I did. I never received a CD from anyone. A short while later there was a charge of $129.00 on my bank account. I phoned the number I found on my online banking and spoke to some man who would not give me his name and the phone was answered as a Real Estate company. He told me I received a package. I did not receive a package of anything regarding google or anything else. He said, "I checked the tracking and you did receive the package and for that you paid $129.00." I never received anything. He started yelling and hung up on me. I contacted my bank and made a claim. It was not successful. My money was not refunded. I didn't pay much attention to the $29.99 being charged to my account every month until I found a complaint on the net about this company, Passive Profits. I called the phone number that I found on my online charge for this company and met with a totally uncooperative woman who argued with me and refused to refund any of my money. However, she said she would cancel as of the date I called and I asked for a confirmation number which she gave me. Again, I registered a complaint with my bank for two of the $29.90 charges for two months. Big Bank! Guess what? Last month PP charged me again and probably will this month. My bank sent me a letter saying I should take it up with the company again. I have decided to cancel my credit card and that should stop it. I would like someone to tell me what this company does other than scam and steal. Is Passive Profits really a company? What do they do? Where is this package I was supposed to receive? Where is my free CD? Why are they charging me by the month for nothing??? Is Google in on this scam? Whoever they are, I hope they get shut down, put in jail and have to pay back all of the money to everyone they have scamed. Thanks for you time.

Company: Passive Profits
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Sandy
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Passive Profits
Fraudulent Charges

Passive Profits
Charged My Credit Card. Not Authorized By Me

Passive Profits Salt Lake Ciut
My bank deducted $39.90 from my account from Passive Profits. I called the bank and they issued me a new debit card so it cannot be used again by these people. It Says Salt Lake City, But This Could Be Bogus

ReaL SUCCESS INSTITUTE - Passive Profits
ReaL SUCCESS INSTITUTE & Passive Profits Passive Profit charged my VISA

Passive Profits
Means Nationwide

Passive Profits
Scam scam scam scam scam scam scam!

Passive Profits
Ripped off

Passive Profits
Charges unauthorized $39.90 a month, but I found them

Passive Profits Inc
Debit card used by this company without permission or knowledge

Passive Profits Inc
Passive Profits, Passive Ebay Profits, Real Succes Institute They lied and stealed my money