Web Country
Domain Registrar Reseller has stolen my domain name, and will not allow me to transfer the domain

Internet & Web

I have registered and owned the domain name, EYEDENTIKIT.com, since Nov. 11. For all these years I have been dealing with Web Country (Tarzana, CA): the most unethical, unscrupulous and fraudulent businesses I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

After a huge fiasco regarding re-registering the domain name starting back in Nov. I was finally able to pay all past and currently due fees to re-acquire ownership of the name on February 6, with documentation from the domain registrant reseller, Web Country. I own the domain name.

More troubles happened after that transaction, but I was finally able to legally begin transferring the EYEDENTIKIT.com domain to a more reputable registrar, as is my right. When I requested that Web Country unlock and provide an auth-info code so that I could transfer the domain name, I was once again, made to jump through an array of ill-conceived hoops.

Since contacting them to start the domain transfer process on May 18, they have done everything in their power to make it as difficult as possible to concede to my wishes.

After a heated conversation with one of their representatives (Supervisor Justin Bryant) yesterday morning, I was hung-up on. Immediately after the conversation, I received an email from Web Country stating that my "account had been suspended" due to me not getting sufficient answers to questions and assurances to requirements that they made. Again, I paid for and own, outright, the domain name. They went further "revoking" my ownership of the domain name, switching the whois information back to reflect their ownership (read: Illegal), and, in effect, shutting down my website which I rely on for both personal and more importantly, business use.

Since I have built my graphic design business on the name and a presence on the web to display my work, along with contact information. Around 2:15pm yesterday afternoon, I no longer was able to receive any business or personal emails through my site, and therefore, have lost business because of this illegal action.

It is even more convoluted and problematic because it is easy for a company like Web Country to escape the law and act unethically and criminally: because they are a reseller of domain names (eNom being the "parent" registrar, www.enom.com), they cannot be held accountable whatsoever.

I have contacted the legal department of eNom, who replied that it was simply a legal matter between myself and Web Country. But as an accredited registrar of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, www.icann.org, supposedly a reputable organization), eNom should be ultimately responsible for who they "contract" as resellers, in this case, Web Country, to abide by ICANN's bylaws and codes if they are to be accredited. A representative from ICANN told me over the phone, they cannot do anything because Web Country is only a reseller, and they do not deal with resellers at all.

Again, why would a so-called organization established with forming and upholding standards for the internet, an international organization, why would they bestow "accreditation" on an organization (eNom) if that organization is not responsible for unethical, immoral, fraudulent done under their aegis?!

I need help in exposing this little known loophole that has damaged not only my personal and professional business, but if you do some research on Web Country and their sister organizations (1dollarhosting.com, et al.), you will find a slew of outrageous complaints made against the company dating back as far as 1997!! This organization needs to be brought to justice and I am pleading for your interest and intervention on my part. If you cannot provide the help, Please help me find a resolution to this problem.

I own the domain name, EYEDENTIKIT.com. I want to transfer my domain to a more reputable and honest registrar.in order to do that, I need Web Country to switch back the whois information to my name, unlock the domain name, and then, finally, provide an authorization-info code that is required to complete the transfer.

Company: Web Country
Country: USA
State: California
City: Tarzana
Address: 18653 Ventura Blvd, Suite 432
Phone: 8187281128
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