Scott McKinney
Scott McKinney / SMM Performance Parts, stole $450 from me

Internet & Web

Ordered a magnaflow exhaust on ebay from SMM Performance Parts. Used money order. After asking for tracking number several times, with no response, checked to see if he had cashed the money order, and indeed he did. No product for 6 months. Filed police report. Contacted ebay, they couldn't help. His company was kicked off ebay so I could not pursue anything else on ebay. Now a year later, and after about 60 emails of him saying no refund he allready ordered the exhaust, etc, I have gotten nothing. Then he said he'll refund, and never has. He has ran the loop about 20 times now. Going to file with the attorney tomorrow. DO NOT buy from this character. VERY BAD, he steals money, and does not care.

Company: Scott McKinney
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Chesterton
Address: 709 Plaza Drive Suite 2, #140
Phone: 2192411099
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SMM Performance Parts
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Ebay/Globe Automotive
Consumer Report

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8 Camels Enterprises/Y Luo Still ripping off eBay customers with bad parts and excessive shipping

NEVER buy from EBAY: EBAY is a

E Bay
EBay does not prosrcute fraud ripoff Nationwide