Deceptive Calous Extortionist Liars Overcharge Not Provide Service or Refund-Fraud

Internet & Web

Here is my complaint with (Earthlink)- have TOTALLY failed to respond to complaints & written letter after 1 year:

March 8

Executive Relations
1375 Peachtree Street, Level A
Atlanta, GA 30309


During October I agreed to recieve Earthlink Telephone service bundled with my existing internet service which I have had with your company for many years. I had switched from my local phone company VERIZON after being convinced by your telephone salesman that I would save money with the Earthlink phone service, as well as recieve superior service. I agreed to purchase a new modem for $49.95 as well as the new sevice plan which includes DSL and home service for a total of $49.95 per month.

Unfortunately, your service has not performed well, and mostly, at all. First, the service was inadequate because Earthlink was unable to get the service "Working" untill December. Then, Just before the holidays in December I had neither DSL and a DEAD home phone while being charged for it! I was told to call a company called COVAD and sort it out with them. After a month of that, COVAD told me they are no longer accepting calls of this nature and that Earthlink should be contacted from now January Earthlink decalred the service working. Fact is that nothing worked as promised. My phone was dead 95% of the time and my DSL worked maybe 50% of the time. I placed several more calls to Earthlink tech support and was told they are working to fix the problem.

I called nearly every day, often getting dissconnected or blatently hannging up their phone on me. It's now February and my next call to Earthlink tech support says "We are unable to provide service in your area." I was led on to believe that the service would work soon... For over 2 months. Continueing to be billed, I called to complain again only to get this response: "We are unaware that anyone told you we cannot provide sevice in your area." I cancelled all services with Earthlink FOREVER in April after nearly 6 months of the biggest deception experienced in my entire life.
Let's take a look at my / your billing record; what should have been 4 months at $49.95=$199.80 (If the service worked!)
Here is what you billed me:

12/20/06 219.85
12/21/06 119.85
01/20/07 170.80
01/21/07 170.80
01/26/07 19.95
02/18/07 67.00
02/24/07 88.47
03/20/07 109.25
04/07/07 170.80

Grand total $ 1136.77

In addition, after cancellation of your service which never remotely even worked a promised, I was told that my phone number would be ported back to my local phone company. That was over 8 months ago-including you, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, said that would be arranged after speaking to you over the telephone. Now, you have also become unresponsive as I believe that you do not even know what to do. The only thing you can do apparently, is not return my calls.

To resolve the problem, I would appreciate the following:
1: A refund of $ 1136.77 (See above.)
2: Take your modem back which I was charged $100 (You sent me 3.)
3: Port my home phone number back (310) xxxxxxxx to VERIZON as you had promised. You can call them at (800) xxx-xxxx and reference order # xxxxxxx. That service should have been restored on 5-9-07. This has been my home phone / buisiness line for over 10 years.

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I will wait until April 1 before seeking help from The California Department Of Consumer Affairs, The California Public Utilities Commission, The Better Business Bureau, The Fedearal Trade Comission, The Federal Communications Commision, Local Authorities, Media, as well as any legal actions deemed neccecary. Please contact me at the address or phone shown above or call XXXXXXXXX..


Oh, did I forget to mention the 3 X $150 early termination-I was terminated by them 'cuz Earthlink could'nt get it to work. Oh, and the 1000 cell phone minutes on hold to some third world place that thinks they can insult me in Hindi and think I don't understand them?"His mother must be an old goat!"

Enough said.
U are gonna get JACKED

Santa Monica, California

Company: Earthlink
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 1375 Peachtree Street
Phone: 800719466430129
  <     >  


Ripoff cannot provide bundled dsl/home phone service as promised

Ripoff Company, Horrible Customer service, lies about refunds, and is just an all out scammer crooked internet service provide
Ripoff: 10 months of DSL was noteworthy for confusion, misdirection, poor to no service and refusal to take any responibility. Atlanta, Internet

Earthlink Communications
Sold services which do not exist, withdrew charges for same fom credit card without permission ripoff

Unauthorized billing

Earthlink Dsl
Are Liars And Ripoffs Earthlink rips consumers off on dsl internet service in texas

No home service for the past six months after I was billed for it and no one could cancel the earty termination contract without charging me a fee

Earthlink, COVAD
Earthlink fraud, COVAD, CCR Collection Agency Internet

Ripoff will not acknowledge receipt of cancellation request sent through UPS

Fraud poor service and dreadful customer service