- Banjo Hangout

Internet & Web

Excuse my typing I have an arthritis problem.

The bajo hangout purports to be a "membership" based organization. These memberships are sold for the price of a tshirt and the membership status is indicated by a medallion placed on home pages of the members. Participation does not seem to be limited to members nor is there andy apparent benefit to memberships that I have been able to determine.

I am not conderned with Mr. Schlange's business model as such, but he appears to be associated by family ties and other associations with an evangelical cult of some sort called the Edge Community ( whose contact address is also named Schlange (You may also email our secretary Monica Schlange with any questions: While this may be coincidental that passes beliefe since the website of that cult also carries pictures by one Eric Schlange. Of the legal standing of this organization I know nothing as yet.

I participated in this worthwhile site for time as a member but was locked out of my account despite my membership and denied access to the site or the materials of my own making that I was using on that site. I had posted a "blog" in which I had pointed out that it was good that the racial climate in the country was so much better than in the past. The response was almost immediate that I had broken a supposed rule against political content. I responded by saysing that I wished no longer to be associated with what appeared to be a racist organization and asked them to remove my copyrighted materials from their site.

Up to this time Eric or others have flatly refused to remove this material from their site.

They have also flatly refused to back down on their censorship of my remarks. Without belaboring the situation I would explain this part of my complaint in the following way. They ahve indeed psoted some rules about religeous and political content in the "forums" seciton of the site. They have not, or had not up to that time, posted any such rules about content in the "blogs" part of the service and have claimed that the rules for the forum also apply to the blogs, although this is not stated in any policy. They are known to regularly censor these blogs. They do not make any effort to censor religeous material that appears regularly in many forms and they do not censor political material that is of a conservative, nationalistic, or pro-military kind. There are no ules, therfore, and the pretended rules are enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Since they are running what amounts to a public forum using public media (the bulk of the internet) I do not believe that they have ay right to censor the content of the materials contributed by "members" or other contributors. That legal point aside, however, I want my copyrighted materials off their site now.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Lakeport
Address: 901 S. Main St
Phone: 7072639616
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