Ripoff IPIU False Employment Scam I am ashamed and infuriated by this situation and will not rest to this is resolved. Montana, Idaho, Canada, London

Education & Science

Where to begin, after joining the forums pursuant to the membership instuctions send $79.00 for membership and another $70 or so dollars for a Criminal Warrants Search (3.12.04) I began to doubt the credibility of the and the structure of the organization due to the shallow responses and the questions posed by some of the "senior members" as well as the script like content of messages I received and the inability of employees to provide a last name for future reference I began to do some deeper digging (go figure, on a PI site).

What I found was all negative, the only positive comments stem from a few members and rarely if ever deal with the accusations. Comments from the Oregon Board of Investigators, Canadian BBB, Idaho BBB, and other PI training sites all suggested a shifty organization. After pasting these comments in a message asking respectfully for an explanation I was not only denied one I was immediately (within hours) denied access to the site, sparking a month long email exchange bouncing back disclaimer ridden emails that have to this date accomplished nothing but prolonging my "CODE OF ETHICS VIOLATION" case.

I have inserted an excerpt of the Forum Rules I am allegedlly in violation of;
While we encourage lively discussion, we will not tolerate personal attacks, disrespectful comments, or disingenuous, or sarcastic remarks with the appearance to incite toward any person (including their contributions and posts on the forums) or any organization. Any person disparaging another forum member or organization in this regard, or violating forum rules and/or promoting any views that are not in HARMONY with the Code of Ethics or Mission Statement, may have their comments either edited or removed without notice. Any future incident thereafter may result in that member being permanently removed from the forum.

I have added the capped "HARMONY" to show the vague nature by which the rules are defined and so easily broken.

It is my opinion that the individual responsible has created a bubble of ignorance using false titles and an advanced forum system (recently upgraded a week after my posts) to maintain the appearance of a vast organization and utlizes the enthusiasm of new members to fuel the validity of the organization.

Furthermore, to date none of my concerns have been adressed and have led me to report the organization to file a report with the FBI. I am ashamed and infuriated by this situation and will not rest to this is resolved.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Company: I.P.I.U
Country: USA
Phone: 6139625358
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