No rebate Walnut California

Internet & Web

Ordered LCD monitor with $50 rebate 10/9/07. Each time I call they say it will be another 5t0 8 weeks. It has been 4 months. I complained to, the seller. The rebate form says 6 to 8 weeks.

Niko is a scam operation. Please advise any other options I may have.

Company: Niko
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Niko Electronics
Rebate ripoff

REBATE SCAM - Niko never sent my $50 rebate

Niko Television - Nikotronics
Never paid rebate even though they stated i qualified and it would be coming

Tiger Direct
OnRebate Niko Didn't get $40 rebate. Basically false advertising, stole my money

Niko Electronics
Rebate ripoff I bought a tv and they offered a 100 ud rebate. I sent all documentation and they denied the rebate

Tiger Direct & OnRebate
Rebate on 32" Niko is a ripoff

Niko Namisom
Consumer Report

Niko Laos
TNG Worldwide, Inc. Mislead Me and Encouraged Unethical Behavio

Liberty Wireless - imphonic - InPhonic
Rebate ripoff

Niko-Laos (aka) Cydcor
Ripoff waste of time Bogus Interview