Internet Advancement
They lied they schemed but we found justice

Internet & Web

We fell victim to IAI back in 2003. They tricked me to open their contract even after I repeatedly told them I would let my husband read it before accepting it. They lied saying that clicking the link to the contract would only let us see the terms. Little did I know back then that when I opened it, it meant that we accepted the contract. They start charging us for service that we told them we never authorized them to do. The sales rep even called me and yelled at me for calling him a liar! We finally filed a complaint to Washington State Attorney General and referred them to this website to show there are many many more victims besides us. WA AG finally agreed to take on the case and after months of waiting, they were found at fault. We (and other victims in the lawsuit) received our money back and our contract cancelled.

Company: Internet Advancement
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Redmond
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Internet Advancement
4GreatBuys ripoff - did not provide services promised

Housevalues - Justlisted
Tricked And Ripped Off Tricked into entering a contract that has no way out! Ripped OFF!

Fanfare Media Works
Movie News Extremely Deceptive Sales Tactics - once contract signed = no customer satisfaction

Lied About Length of My Contract No Signed Contract! Ripoff

Ripping me off by charging me $200 for canceling service after 1yr contract is over. Deceptive company tricked and lied to us

Ameriquest Mortgage Company
Ameriquest took our money and ran, but we caught up with them and they're not running now

Monitronics International
Ripoff practices

The Knot, Wedding Pages, Party Spot,
The Knot, Party Spot, The Bump, The Nest Said I am under contract, but I was never informed nor did I ever sign anything

MBF Leasing And Merchant Services
Agent lied about contract requirements for credit card processing

They took over $400 for a bogus early cancellation fee