Charged my debit card without my consent Louisiana

Internet & Web

Www.smartemarket.com charged my debit card $2.95 for an ebook purchase that I never purchased. I have read about countless people this has happened to. They have a number 1-337-935-0141 that I called all day with nothing but an answering machine. I finally got a hold of someone by the name of rita at 9pm on 11/20/07. I explained to her about the charge and told her I was turning the info over to the federal bureau of investigation, identity theft unit, (which my wifes cousin works in, lucky me) and she credited my back the $2.95 and took my card info out of their computer and gave me the book that was downloaded and the email address it was downloaded to, Which was a gmail account, and the date and time of the transfer. I then contacted google and they are sending me the ip address from where the email address was set up and I will give the info to the proper authorities to handle it from there. I hope this is taken care of to stop this mess from going on. They have messed with the wrong person this time...

Company: www.smartemarket.com
Country: USA
Address: Louisiana
Phone: 3379350141
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www.smartemarket.com - 1-337-935-0141
Www.smartemarket.com - SmartEmarket Fraudulent VISA credit card charge Ripoff Duson Louisiana

Unauthorized credit card charge of $2.95 Dulson

Smartemarket.com unauthorized charge to debit card account of 4.95

Com Made a fraudulent charge of $4.95 to my debit card. No idea how they got my info. Called the phone number given on their website to report, got a home answering machine with a foreign accent. Left message, never got a call back

Fraudulet Charged my debit card for $4.95. How are they getting our numbers Phoenix Arizona

Unauthorized Charge to my Debit Card!

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Com Smartemarket Fraudulently Billed My Debit Card Account Dulson, Louisiana

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