MSN Internet Hotmail Acct
Deceptive and Illegal charges to bank acct

Internet & Web

I called and cancelled my membership to msn hotmail as my service provider had changed to dsl service. I thought it was taken care of but now my daughter is being charged and has been charged since 2004 on occasion for a service that was cancelled.

After reading your site I realize I am not the only one this has happened to. I know we should have caught these charges much earlier, however it is easy to miss a credit card payment of 21.95. And I am sure it wasn't constant or we would have caught it before now. I did not authorize them to charge for anything after updating my info to the new service I continued to keep the FREE hotmail acct. Apparently they had other ideas and continued to charge for another service.

I am angry after reading the entry on your site from an ex employee of MSN only to find out they make a habit of doing this... THEY MUST BE STOPPED AND ALL MONIES RETURNED TO THOSE IMPACTED BY THIS!

Hopefully there is an attorney out there that would take a case such as this on. It is not right for a company as big as MSN to take advantage of consumers this way and get away with it... It is just THEFT and should be punishable by law.

Company: MSN Internet Hotmail Acct
Country: USA
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