EBay Seller: SJHwholesale
Stole my money, Harassed me, sent threatening emails and attempted to give me a bad Buyer Reputation

Internet & Web

EBAY Auction.
June 28: Bid on and won Polaroid Spectra Film, paid for the item and waited for my film to be delivered.
Emailed for a shipping status several times between July 5th to August 1st.

Called several times from different phones, they never picked up the phone and always lets the answering machine take messages. Emailed 5 times that I wanted my money refunded. When they still didn't respond, Ieft negative feedback on their profile and still nothing.

I filed a fraud complaint and all of a sudden they start saying how I was harassing them and sending hundreds of emails and emailing others on EBay saying how I lied about paying them the amount owed.

I have the proof of a USPS Money Order to prove payment and date of the payment. They stole my money and found out that I wasn't going to stand by and just take itnow their trying to cover their own ass by saying how I'm a liar and harassing them Yet theirs is the ONLY negative feedback I have on my Buyer Profile.

Santa Monica, California

Company: EBay Seller: SJHwholesale
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Gilbert
Address: 746 West Del Rio Street
Phone: 480812307
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Fraudulent Seller! Ignores emails states items are unpaid for so buyer cannot leave feedback! Watch out for this seller on EBAY!

New feedback system sucks

Stylesthatareamazing - Diane Cerny
Stylesthatareamazing On Ebay - Diane Cerny Fraudulent Seller! Ignores emails, states items are unpaid for so buyer cannot leave feedback! Watch out for this seller on EBAY!

EBay, Edsbonebed
EBay & Their Feedback System & Edsbonebed ebay's new feedback system, edsbonebed

Feedback is rigged to keep seller feedback high


Ebay.com Ripoff misleading ads difficult to understand directions wrong instructions San Jose California

Bymerchant.com Seller shortens me shoes then threatens and sends harassing phone calls to me

Prescottracing - Jennifer Wright
Ripoff item paid for and not received - no response to emails

Home Video And Convenience
Ebay Seller mainstusa aka poor business practices the business that doesn't give a dam