INTERNET PROVIDER thiefts from credit cards, overdrawing my bank accounts ripoff Waterford

Internet & Web

Eginald i joined aol in june a free month trial up to the 15th july 07. I phone up aol and said to take one payments of 15.99 for that month up to 15th august. On the 19th 21st 23rd 25th aol had stolen all my savings from my accounts. They told me lies after lies.

I spent 83.00 in phone call charges and sent 53 e. Mails and letters. I got a phone call from aol saying they were not going to refund any thing. I was overdrawen and the banks have charged me on one account 100.00 overdraft fees and adminastration fees. Again after the thiefts of the cards aol attemp to to thieve 2 furder payments on 2nd august and 27th july from the accounts. All my accounts have been messed up and im in debt. The worst about the whole case is very sad. My old mother she is 84 years old and in a wheel chair had a serious stroke nearly killed her. Shes in a wheel chair cant speak or walk. The savings in the accounts were to take her out at the weekends to the seaside each weekend.

Aol have stolen all the savings and deprived the old woman of her freedom. This is despicable and a wicked act to thieve all the savings from the accounts.
Both accounts have been cleaned out by aol. Some thing must be done to stop this company operating and robbing the public blind. There a bunch of thieves cons.

This AOL i feel realy sorry for any one else they have did this to. I am setting up a campaigne to get justice for the people that aol have scammed out of there savings. The law must be able to do something. I have contacted the goverment asking to intervine to stop this company operating. I have contacted the police as well and the irish and english priministers. Some thing must be done

R breydin
co londonderry
United Kingdom

Company: Aol
Country: Ireland
Address: AOL Network Ho Ida Industrial Estate Cork Road
Phone: 08703202020
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